Annunakigenesis Wikia

Basic Info[]

Badass Drakes are flying dragons that are vital to success when using Annunaki Genesis. There are 3 types: Poison, Fire and Frost. They are found near mountains, snowy mountains and the Floating Island (The Center).

Badass Drakes will fly at a fast speed and never land, so using an Argentavis, Quetzalcoatlus or Pteranodon is needed to knock them out or kill them. They usually attack with their breath attack, which has range and debuffs the player's Dino or the player themselves.



Badass Drakes will fly at a fast speed and never land, so using an Argentavis, Quetzalcoatlus or Pteranodon is recommended to knock them out or kill them. They usually attack with their breath attack, which has range and debuffs the player's Dino or the player themselves.

Killing Strategy[]

Killing a Badass Drake can be done by using a high melee Quetzalcoatlus, as the Quetzal's AOE range will allow it to hit the drake a lot more than an Pteranodon or Argentavis. When the Drake is killed, the player can stand on the back of the Quetzalcoatlus beneath the Drake's body in the air (they almost never drop to the ground) and loot it.

The Drake trophy will not appear unless killed by a non-torpor creature. If the drake is knocked out before being killed the trophy will not appear in the drake's inventory.


KO Strategy[]

Knocking out a drake is a rather daunting task, as one wrong move can usually mean demise for low leveled players and dinos. Taming a drake from the ground can leave you vulnerable to its breath from above. Taming with a slower air dino can also leave you vulnerable as the quick drake flies circles around you.

Common strategies include:

  • Build a taming box out of metal or higher material and trapping drakes. Build a platform on the top of the box to be able to shoot the drake with little fear of being killed by its breath. This method also works well because the drake is then fully protected inside the box, making any vulnerabilities close to zero.
  • Use another poison drake. Poison drakes can bring down much larger prey than themselves, and if you're borrowing one from a friend chances are they have been leveling up the required points to be a decent taming drake.
  • You can use a decently fast poison Pteranodon, Argentavis, or Quetzalcoatlus. Be wary that if your mount is not fast enough to catch and tame the drake, it is not fast enough to escape either and killing the drake may be necessary for survival.
  • A very, very high melee damage poison Pteranodon, Argentavis, or Quetzalcoatlus can bring down a drake in just a few hits, although without a few points in movements speed the drake may be able to escape until its torpor has returned to zero.
  • You and friends can attempt to knock out a drake by ways similar to taming a Quetzalcoatlus, by flying in the claws of a quick Argentavis or Pteranodon, or shooting from the back of a Quetzalcoatlus. Be wary however, you are the ones being chased and not doing the chasing.


Drakes require a Drake Tribute, which is made by combining a Drake Trophy and a Golden Treat in the Annunaki Workbench. The Drake Tribute is received by killing another drake. Be wary that you must kill the drake outright, as knocking the drake out will remove it's inventory contents in preparations to be tamed. The Drake Tribute must be remote used in the drake's inventory for it to tame.

Badass Fire Drake[]

Fire Drake

Badass Fire Drakes are drakes that breathe fire. Its primary attack of fire breath burns a target for 1000% damage buff over 5 seconds. Players nearby being in the same tribe gain extra hypothermia insulation from the drakes heat. Being a badass type of fire, they gain Melee Damage faster but gain Health slower.


  • Damage: Fire drakes are excellent for putting out a mid to high range of damage due to the fire damage buff. Like Wyverns they are able to fly and breathe fire from above, which can make incoming damage low to none. (Level up Melee Damage and Health)

Spawn Code (Fire):

admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragon/Badass/Fire/Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS.Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Fire_GNS'" 1 1 1 600

(Please note that the "600" is the Drake Level. Changing this level will affect the animals stats)

Badass Frost Drake[]

Frost Drake

Badass Frost Drakes are drakes that breathe frost-like fire. Its primary attack of frost breath freezes the target for 100% instant melee damage per second. In addition to the melee damage, the target receives debuff of 20% of melee damage in stamina. Players nearby being in the same tribe gain extra hypothermia insulation from the drakes coolness. Being a badass type of frost, they gain Movement Speed faster but gain Health slower.


  • Transport: Drakes are quick flyers on their own, leveling up movement speed, stamina and weight will make a very quick, long flying transport dino. (Level up Stamina, Carry Weight and Movement Speed)

Spawn Code (Frost) :

admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragon/Badass/Ice/Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Ice_GNS.Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Ice_GNS'" 1 1 1 600

(Please note that the "600" is the Drake Level. Changing this level will affect the animals stats)

Badass Poison Drake[]

Poison Drake

Badass Poison Drakes are drakes that breathe poison-like fire. Its primary attack of poison breath poisons the target for 600% instant melee damage, and then another 100-200% over the next 1 second, depending on server settings. Being a badass type of poison, they gain Health faster but gain Stamina slower.


  • Taming: The poison drake is excellent for taking down large creatures.
  • Tank: Poison drakes level up Health surprisingly fast, and having a tank poison drake in a fight against a Wyvern may prove to be the tipping point. (Level up Health)
  • Raid Defense: Poison Drakes do large amounts of torpor, enough to be able to knock out tamed Wyverns with good saddles. (Level up Melee and Health)

Spawn Code (Poison) :

admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Genesis/Dinosaurs/Dragon/Badass/Poison/Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS.Drake_Character_BP-Badass-Poison_GNS'" 1 1 1 600

(Please note that the "600" is the Drake Level. Changing this level will affect the animals stats)


  • There is no rock type drake
  • Killing Drakes will result in the player earning the Drake Trophy, which is used in taming a Drake.